Friday 21 February 2014

February 21, 2014 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer

   Have you been following the Olympics in Sochi, Russia?  There have been the usual exciting moments that have included unexpected medals, personal triumphs, heart-breaking defeats, the first-time ever ties and the oh-so-close-but-not-close-enough finishes.  As well, there were the  touching team-spirit stories such as the one where the Canadian cross-country ski coach gave a new ski to the Russian athlete so he could finish the race with dignity, and the speed skater who gave up his spot to his team mate.

   We should be very proud of our athletes and coaches.  They have done well.

   Each and every athlete that qualified to compete at the Olympics has achieved a certain level of proficiency in their chosen sport.  They are the best of the best in the world.

   Yet, despite this being one of the biggest competitions on our world stage, the athletes aren’t really competing against each other.

   In truth, each and every athlete is competing only against themselves.  No matter what their sport, each athlete has to be better, not than their competitors, but themselves.

   They have to be faster, higher, more technically proficient, or more artistic than their own personal best.  They only have to perform better than they did the previous time they executed their sport.

   And they don’t have to be significantly better or faster or more technical.  They have to be just a tiny fraction of a second faster, or 1 point more technically accurate, or just a fraction of a centimetre higher.

   If you are mastering a sport or learning a new skill, you just need to be one small step better than you were the previous time.

   If you are changing a habit, you need to just be successful one more time than you were previously.

   Or, if you are like me and on a health quest, then you just need to feel a little bit better than the previous day.      

   When you think that any change or improvement in your life is daunting or simply too overwhelming, steps.   


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