Classified Ads
$5.00 minimum (1 inch) + $5.00 per inch depth (5 inch width)
Display Ads
$15.00 per inch depth (3 1/4 inch width)
$20.00 per inch depth (5 inch width)
Full page (10 inches x 14 inches) $560.00 per issue
½ page (10 inches x 7 inches) $280.00 per issue
¼ page (5 inches x 7 inches) $140.00 per issue
Business Card (3¼ inches x 2 inches) $30.00 per issue
Custom sized ads may be inserted.
All ads are in black and white only.
Commit to six consecutive months and receive the sixth month FREE.
The paper is published twice a month (1st and 3rd Friday of the month).
Deadlines for ads are BEFORE 8:00 AM the Thursday following the 1st & 3rd Friday of the month.
If you have any questions, or to find out more, please contact Beth Richardson at 403-352-3837 or email: