Products for Sale

Looking for a unique gift? 

**** All prices in Canadian dollars and include GST and shipping 

**** Discounts if shopping in person ****

To order contact The Chautauqua call: 403-352-3837 or or in person at 4910 47 St, Mirror, AB - other artwork also available on site.

Payment options:

* Mail a cheque or money order (made out to Beth Richardson – Chautauqua) to Box 261 Mirror, AB T0B 3C0 

* E-transfer or PayPal to 

40-page book full-colour "Exploring My Artist Voice: a journey without a map
©2022 $15

"Just Show Up" 10-track album (approximately 17 minutes) ©2022 $15

preview here:

Book & CD Set $25 

40-page book of "View from my Window" column excerpts ©2020 $10


50-card Traditional Wisdom deck of proverbs ©2020 $30

50-card Daily Wisdom deck of proverbs ©2020 $30


44-card BEEing deck ©2021 $25

72-card Deep Truths for Remembering & Reclaiming Yourself deck ©2021 $50

148-card TEA for the Heart & Soul deck ©2021 $85

48-card May I deck ©2022 $30

90-card TEA for the Bitter Times deck ©2022 $55

"Shine" 11x14 original art - acrylics on canvas board (July, 2018).  Featured on the front page of the January 17, 2020 issue.  $250

"Puppy" 5x7 original art - acrylics on canvas board (May 4, 2017)  $120.00

"Horse" 5x7 original art - acrylics on canvas board (May 4, 2017)  $120.00

"Big Love" 5x7 original art - acrylics on canvas board (July 26, 2020)  $120.00

"Read to Me" 5x7 original art - acrylics on canvas board (July 26, 2020)  $120.00

"Quack Me Up" 5x7 original art - acrylics on canvas board (July 26, 2020)  $120.00

"Release" 5x7 original art - acrylics on canvas board (August 2, 2020)  $120.00

"Who You Are" 5x7 original art - acrylics on canvas board (August 2, 2020)  $120.00

"Say Nay" 5x7 original art - acrylics on canvas board (August 2, 2020)  $120.00

May 9, 2021 Sky” 24x24 digital drawing on stretched canvas (printed May 21, 2021) $300.00

August 11, 2021 Sky” 24x24 digital drawing on stretched canvas (printed August 19, 2021) $300.00

"Creativity Princess" 8 inch crochet archetype doll (100% acrylic, March 20, 2020) $75.00

"Bountiful Mother Nature" 8 inch crochet archetype doll (100% acrylic, March 20, 2020) $75.00

"Southern Belle" 7 inch crochet archetype doll (100% acrylic, March 26, 2020) $75.00

"Christmas Hope" 7 inch crochet archetype doll (100% acrylic, December 23, 2021) $75.00