From the Editor's Computer
If you have an older version of Internet Explorer on your computer, you may have noticed that in the top right hand corner of the screen is a little globe, or world, that spins around. This little world turns when the computer is in ‘thinking’ or ‘processing’ mode. As long as the world continues to turn, you know that the computer is doing its thing, no matter how slow the machine works.
Often I reassure library patrons using the computers that as long as their world is turning everything is still working. Amazing how patient a person can be as long as that little globe is still spinning on its axis. It is only when that little world on the computer stops spinning prematurely that we have a problem, and then have to find a solution.
Real life is similar to that little computer generated image. We can patiently (though we’ll still grumble as we are human) wait out any difficulty, problem, blip or hiccup in our plans as long as our world is still revolving around its axis and around the sun. Delays are easier to handle if we know that our world is still turning.
Seasons come and go, and the cycle continues. Winter follows autumn, and spring does follow winter. The earth turns and our lives continue along. The crop is planted and later, the harvest is gathered in, and so the cycle continues. While this year was bleaker than some years of the past, generally everyone was able to harvest something. The year was not a total loss.
Good times come and bad times come and the cycle continues. In this season, we need to work together to ensure that that good times will return. Everyone has a responsibility to do their part for our families, communities, nation and world.
We are thankful that our world is still turning. Let us cooperate with each other so that our ride on this earth is exciting and enjoyable.
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