From the Editor's Computer
How many times have you laughed today? Have you even smiled today?
It has been said that we do not stop laughing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop laughing. Laughter is called ‘internal jogging.’ Anyone who has engaged in an uncontrollable belly laugh can attest to the ‘workout’ you get. When was the last time you got a case of the ‘giggles’ and could not stop laughing, especially when those around you started glaring at your ‘misbehaviour?’
We need to find the silly, ridiculous and the absurd around us. If we open our eyes it is not hard to see how funny and amusing life really is, even in the hard times.
One time I was driving to Bashaw on a very blustery day. As I was driving, a Canada Goose attempted to fly over my car. I say attempted because, as the goose got close to me, a strong gust of wind caused the goose to do a back flip before my eyes. I swear that goose had the most surprised expression on its face.
Take time to notice what is happening around you. There is so much scope for laughter and amusement. Not the malicious laughter aimed at another person, but the amused recognition of the ridiculous around us.
Read things closely...sometimes a seemingly insignificant spelling mistake can change the intended message entirely. Or a slip of the tongue can create a moment of hilarity.
Humour is all around the people we meet, the things we read and watch, the events we engage in every day. Take time to notice and appreciate the funny, comical and absurd in the world around you and happy laughing!
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