Friday, 19 March 2004

March 19, 2004 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer     

   Saturday is the first ‘official’ day of spring.  There have been many signs sighted already, not counting the disappearing snow!

   Gophers have been spotted frolicking on the remaining snow drifts.  Someone told me they spotted a robin.  I heard the geese honking as they flew over the library the other day.  I was also told that someone has managed to rake their lawn already!  There is still too much snow lying around to attempt that feat on our lawn, though I have had the opportunity to play in a few mud puddles.

   Spring is a time of renewal and rejuvenation.  People have more energy and perk up when the sun is shining.  Spring is an ideal time to start new projects and try new skills. 

   Happy Spring!! 


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Friday, 5 March 2004

March 5, 2004 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer     

  I was glancing at some junk mail the other day that was hyping the new healthy alternatives for those following the low-carbohydrate diet.  Some of the products were rather ridiculous...low-carb bread? 

   The one that really caught my eye was the latest offering at some restaurants - a bun-less burger.  Now, unless you have an allergy, it is not the bun that comes with the burger that is going to kill you or causes you to gain weight, but rather what is between that bun.  Just like it is not what you eat between Christmas and New Year’s that is the cause of your weight gain, but what you eat between New Year’s and Christmas.

   The average consumer in North America is quite gullible and marketers take advantage of that.  If the package says ‘Fat Free’ or ‘No Sodium,’ consumers will buy them without looking to see that the fat free is high in sodium and the no sodium has a high fat content.

   The majority of Canadians do not need to cut carbohydrates out of their diets, they need to cut out junk food and candy...processed sugars.  Our bodies need carbohydrates for fuel and proper functioning.  What we don’t need is excess sugar.

   But more importantly than what we eat, is what we do for activity and exercise.  Our grandparents were very active compared to people today.  Hauling in wood or coal, water for drinking and washing, as well as getting up out of the chair to accomplish virtually every task kept them fit, despite their high carb and protein diets.

   Isn’t time you started moving more?   


Read the complete issue of The Chautauqua here:

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