Friday, 31 August 2018


Don't think in terms of “balancing” your business 
with the rest of your life. 
Figure out how it can all mesh together,
 so that all of your passion and principles in life
 flow naturally through all aspects of everything you do...
what we do IS who we are.
 - Joy Mangano

Wednesday, 29 August 2018


Creativity is what makes you you, 
different from everyone else.
- Author Unknown

Monday, 27 August 2018


Suppose that instead of forcing the issue
 when trying to create something, 
we let it emerge.
 - Tom Sturges

Friday, 24 August 2018

Wednesday, 22 August 2018


Personal transformation is not a race...
The harder you try to change, 
the longer it takes. 
- Robin Sharma

Friday, 17 August 2018

August 17, 2018 Chautauqua

Beth's Ponderings

   Once I heard a story of a gal who was in her car - which was the ONLY vehicle in the parking lot - and just before she got out, someone else arrived and parked right beside her, so close she could not open her driver’s side door to get out.  After spending many fruitless minutes stewing and fuming at the other driver, who in that time had, seemingly blissfully unaware of what they had done to her, gotten out of their car and entered the building, the gal decided that the ONLY way she would be able to get out would be to risk ripping her outfit as she climbed into the passenger seat so she could exit out of the passenger side door.  Just before she actually started to climb over, she realized that she did have another option...she could just pull out and park in any one of the many other empty parking spots in the lot.

   Now, that story doesn’t top the one from a Girl Guide Camp I visited years ago, when one of the Guiders locked her keys in her vehicle and then spent the entire afternoon, along with the other leaders, trying to figure out how to break into her vehicle - I can’t remember what vital something was also locked in the vehicle that made the situation so urgent.  After hours of worry, concern, and almost despair, someone else walked up asked why she didn’t just reach into the OPEN window and unlock the door!

   How many of us are so used to automatically dealing with the problems in our lives with a single solution, believing that we have to address the problems in the exact same way we’ve always dealt with them, and not even really looking to see what the real problem is, or what other (usually more obvious!) solutions may be available?

  Even if you are facing what looks to be a repeat situation, it isn’t exactly the same as before, because you aren’t the same person you were when you faced it before, and because of the different experiences and interactions you’ve had between the previous situation and the current one, you are actually better equipped to see the multitude of options available to you, because rarely is there only one possible solution.


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Wednesday, 15 August 2018


One of the most tragic things I know about human nature
 is that all of us tend to put off living. 
We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden
 over the horizon instead of enjoying the roses 
that are blooming outside our windows today. 
- Dale Carnegie

Monday, 13 August 2018


The true secret of happiness
 lies in taking a genuine interest
 in all the details of daily life. 
- William Morris

Friday, 10 August 2018


The quality of life is in proportion, 
always, to the capacity for delight. 
The capacity for delight is a gift of paying attention.
 - Julie Cameron

Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Monday, 6 August 2018

Friday, 3 August 2018

August 3, 2018 Chautauqua

Beth's Ponderings

   We act like we live in a “one-size fits all” world and we are all “one-size,” but we aren’t.

   For instance, did you know that the concept of 20/20 vision was based on the quality of sight of one individual, and we’ve ALL been measured by that standard ever since.  There is no basis for 20/20 being any better, or any worse for that matter, than any other standard for sight.

   Our keyboard layouts are based on a single individual’s idea of what letters we use the most, based on the particular words that were used the most, during a certain period in time, and in a specific line of work, and the perceived necessity of that time to slow down typists so the early manual typewriters wouldn’t jam.

   And let’s not forget all the diet/health/fitness/fashion “standards” that we are all supposed to strive for and meet, even though we all have different body structures and colouring, as well as abilities to move and function.

   I’ve been having a lot of conversations this year around creativity and talent - mostly by people who feel that they are NOT creative or talented as it seems our society defines, and applies, those two words so narrowly.

   I even had a woman tell me that her husband, an engineer, couldn’t be creative no matter how hard he tried...yet, she then went onto say that he was able to take her ideas about something she wanted made or changed around their home and he could easily make it into reality for her.  I don’t know about you, but in my books that man is FULL of talent and creativity!

   Every single one of us - no matter what our age, gender, size, shape, or abilities - is creative and talented at something.  We are not all - because we are not all “one-sized” - able to do everything exactly the same as others, or in the same areas of life, but we can all do at least one thing (if not more) extremely well. 

   And being creative and talented means that we do what we do best in a way that makes it easy and effortless for us.


Contact The Chautauqua via email: or via Facebook:

Wednesday, 1 August 2018