Friday 5 September 2003

September 5, 2003 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer     

 Everyone has their own reasons and motivations for choosing the jobs, work and careers that they do.

   Some people look for a job or career that pays extremely well.  Then, they spend the rest of their days struggling out of bed in the morning, forcing themselves to go to work at a job that they are growing to hate more and more, just because they get a hefty pay check every two weeks. 

   Of course, a subset of this group consists of those individuals who go to work expecting that same hefty pay check, but they don’t expect to actually do anything for it save sit around all day doing nothing.  Money truly does not buy happiness, health or peace of mind.

   Some people, on the other hand, choose a career based on the prestige and fame they will receive.  Little do they realize that fame is an illusion and the perks are fleeting.  They are constantly looking over their shoulder to see who’s threatening their position.  Their identity is jeopardized when the job ends.

   On the other side of the spectrum, are those individuals whose humanitarian efforts are largely unknown, but the results are appreciated by many as they work to better the lives of the underprivileged and downtrodden in our world.  They renounce money and fame in an effort to further their causes.

   The vast majority of us fall somewhere in the middle.  Whether you concentrate on the pay check or on the satisfaction of helping other people in your world, choose a job or career that you are enthusiastic about.  Your enthusiasm will be appreciated by those around you, and you will find that the work is more enjoyable in the long run.

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