Friday 16 December 2005

December 16, 2005 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer     

   Have you ever had the experience of scrambling to catch up in one (or more!) areas of your life?  You’re trying so hard to catch up that all you are focussing on is the goal and your sights are so far ahead of you that you have lost sight of the present.  You slave and scramble, cry and rail against life and try to keep from sinking under the weight of uncompleted tasks.

   Then suddenly one day as you look ahead to where you need to be, you notice that somehow, somewhere along the line you passed yourself.  How is that possible?  How could you not notice?

   Human beings can get so focussed on what we need to do that it is like we are wearing blinders which block out everything around us.  While it is good to be able to focus and get the job done, we need to balance that focus with time spent enjoying the fun things in life.  All work and no play or relaxation makes us not only dull, but sick, out of sorts and miserable souls to be around.

   So whether you are still scrambling up a huge mountain of to-do’s, whether you are almost at the top of the mountain, or whether you’ve reached the top and are basking in the glow of accomplishment, don’t forget to take time to enjoy the upcoming holiday festivity preparations.  Don’t get so focussed on what you think needs done, that you forget the people around you and the fun activities that you can attend.  Take a break from your routine  to restore your soul.  Enjoy the present moment without fretting over what you can’t change from the past or can’t predict for the future.  Relax with a warm mug of hot chocolate and have a wonderfully relaxing Christmas!   


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