Friday, 5 December 2008
December 5, 2008 Chautauqua
From the Editor's Computer
There is a place in Japan called Kamikatsu where there is no garbage - no garbage bins, no dump, no trash at all. “Instead, the resourceful residents must compost all waste from their food, and sort other trash into 34 separate categories, with sections for plastic bottles, razor blades, Styrofoam, and various other paraphernalia.”* It seems that the people of that community are more than happy to follow these strict guidelines.
I don't think most of us here in Central Alberta are ready for something that radical yet. However, suppose for a moment that scenario was life as usual for us.
You certainly would think twice, or maybe even thrice, before buying something as you’d realize that after you were done with it you’d have to dispose of it in the proper manner - compost for food and recycling for everything else. You’d probably chose products with less packaging, as well as products that were more easily recycled. You’d probably decide that you could do without buying a lot of products that you normally wouldn’t hesitate to purchase.
As we are now full-swing into the Christmas season and Christmas shopping, why not take some to think about what you are buying and how much trash you are potentially generating, and whether or not you really need to purchase all of it. This season should be about more than just getting and giving more stuff!
* quoted from:,_Japan
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