Friday 18 January 2013

January 18, 2013 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer

   Where are you right now?  The answer to this question could refer to where you are physically located as you read these words.  Or, it could refer to where you are in your particular life situation.

   Where do you want to be?

   The main character in Mitch Albom’s book, “The Five People You Meet In Heaven,” and the movie of the same title, Eddie dies in a work-related accident and goes to Heaven where he meets five people who were part of his life in some manner.

   Eddie feels that his entire life was a waste, and that he was a failure, because he never left Ruby Pier, an amusement park where his father worked at all his life as a maintenance man, and where Eddie himself worked as a maintenance man for his entire life.  He felt he was trapped in Ruby Pier, and constantly had wished and dreamt he was somewhere else doing grand things.

   Through the five encounters, Eddie discovers how our lives are entwined with those around us, even people we may have never actually met in person, and how what we may think and believe our lives are about is not necessarily what our lives may really be about.

   But more importantly, Eddie discovers where he was supposed to be in his life, and thus why he was there.

   Without spoiling the story too much, Eddie discovers that where he was, was exactly where he was supposed to be.

   Where are you right now?

   Where do you want to be?

   Ultimately no matter how you answer to the first question, the answer to the second question should be identical to the first answer.

   Because no matter where you are right now, you are exactly where you should be so you are where you want to be. 

   It may not be obvious to you right now, but know that without a doubt, there is a reason why you are in this spot, and in this particular time, interacting with the people you are interacting with.  Your presence is making a difference to someone in some form.


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