Friday 1 November 2019

November 1, 2019 Chautauqua

Beth's Ponderings

   Ever feel like your life is going from one extreme to another?  Swinging madly back and forth?  Being strongly pulled from one direction to another?

   I know I sure feel like that at times, especially regarding my health journey, as it seems like I go from flat on my back unable to do anything to having to cram so much into one day as I spent too many days flat on my back doing nothing.

   This wildly swinging pendulum effect is generally a result of us “reacting” to what appears in our lives instead of “responding” to it.

   Following the recent election, we had a lot of people reacting to the results.  The knee-jerk reactions covered a whole gamut of feelings and emotions and some wild solutions.  (For the record, separation from Canada is not a viable option for a land-locked province like Alberta).

   Yet, the only way to truly find solutions - no matter what situations we find ourselves in - and move forward in a constructive manner is to “respond” to the situation.  This involves slowing down, breathing deeply, and looking at the situation from MANY different angles, not the most obvious fear-based one.

   Most of us would agree, especially in this go-go-go culture we now live in, that we desire more balance in our lives, and we tend to think of that ideal balance in visual terms as a perfectly horizontal plane, yet what we really desire is being more centred - ie, the pendulum isn’t swinging back and forth, or like a calm body of water with barely noticeable ripples instead of wild waves.  Once we are centred, and aren’t being pulled in all directions, we can truly see where we are and what our next move should be.


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