Friday 6 March 2020

March 6, 2020 Chautauqua

Beth's Ponderings

   Is there something in your life that you are struggling to do, have, and/or be?  Something that seems perpetually just out of your reach, no matter how hard you try to grasp it? Something that has been a strong desire for years, yet you are no closer to achieving?

   We all have something we strongly desire, AND we all have reasons and excuses galore for why it isn’t in our lives yet.  But...

   Have you ever given yourself permission to have, do and/or be it?

   We think that once we become adults, we no longer need permission to do anything.  Yet, no matter how many years we’ve lived on this planet, how smart or mature we think we are, or even how much we have already accomplished in this life, the majority of us are still “subconsciously” little children waiting for permission from an older authority figure before we can go after what we really want.

   So, why not be that older mature authority figure for your subconscious little child self right now?

   Make a list of all the things you wish you could have, do, and be.  While there may be one or two really big things on your list, I’m pretty sure there are some smaller items that are on it too.  Nothing is too big or small to be included. List it all.  Make sure you also include things you need permission to stop doing and release from your life.

   After you make your list, go through each item, one at a time, and give yourself out-loud verbal permission. 

   Now, this doesn’t mean that you have to rush out and immediately get whatever it is, or dramatically change your life, to suddenly make this all happen.  Nor, does it mean that you will get everything (or even should) on your list.

   What giving yourself permission does is take the pressure and struggle away so you can relax and enjoy your life more.  And once you are no longer trying so hard, you will be amazed at the opportunities, ideas, inner nudges, and doors that will open for you to start moving closer to whatever it was on your list that was the most meaningful for you.  


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