Friday 17 July 2020

July 17, 2020 Chautauqua

Beth's Ponderings

   There have been so many new norms we are living with as a result of the pandemic.

   One of the more controversial recommendations is the wearing of non-medical masks, and whether they should be mandatory.

   While I believe there are some individuals who require masks, and situations where they are necessary, I disagree with mandatory mask wearing in public, and my main reasons are:

    • humans tend to relax their vigilance when they think they are “safe” due to perceived safety features, and take more risks and stop social distancing which we know is effective  If people think there is a risk, they act with more caution and common sense.

    • too many people don’t wear masks properly and tend to touch them and remove them numerous times (ie to adjust the fit or touch their face or to speak to others) totally negating the safety aspect.

    • also, masks are not meant to be worn long-term and should be changed often, and that is not always feasible for people when out.

   Making mask wearing mandatory (without extensive supplies, and proper usage education) will not make any of us safer or healthier.  On the other hand washing (with soap and water, not hand sanitizing) and social distancing DO work.

* my garden labyrinth (below) Just needs weeded now! Thanks to my next door neighbour for taking the picture.   


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