Friday 18 February 2022

February 18, 2022 Chautauqua

Beth's Ponderings

   If you haven’t had a chance to see it yet, there is still a few more days to view my art exhibition: “Persistent Creativity Everyday: a whimsical journey” at the Corridor Gallery (in the lower level of the Recreation Centre at 4501 47a, Red Deer)

  At the time of this writing, I’m almost 4 weeks into the 7-week vocal/singing/songwriting program.  While I really enjoy it, and there is a very lovely supportive group of ladies participating, I have not done any singing outside of our weekly Zoom gatherings.  I want to sing, I love to sing, and the point of joining the program was to enhance my singing (and help with some song writing), but for some reason I find it very difficult to actually let myself sing.

  I say “let myself,” because truthfully, the only reason why I’m not singing is because I’m not letting myself for some reason.  Fear?  Lack of support in the past (I’ve had people tell me not to sing in public before)?  Over-thinking and making it seem harder than it really is?  All the above?

   As part of the program, we are to create a project over the seven weeks, and while I have lots of ideas of what I could do, I decided that the best area for me to focus on is creating a small daily singing habit as that will ultimately (potentially?) lead into the other ideas I have.  One has to learn to crawl before they can even consider running a marathon, so this is a good first step for me.  Fingers crossed.


Read the complete issue of The Chautauqua here:

   Whether you've enjoyed reading The Chautauqua from the first issue 20 years ago, are a brand new reader, or somewhere in between, I sincerely hope that The Chautauqua has enriched your life, as much as it has enriched mine publishing it.  If you would like to help ensure it continues to enrich others like yourself, I ask you to please consider making a donation to The Chautauqua. There are three methods available: 

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   Your support and kindness is always greatly appreciated, and I look forward to continuing to bring joy and inspiration to you with each issue. Thank you so much and have a marvellous day!

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