Friday 15 April 2022

April 15, 2022 Chautauqua

Beth's Ponderings

   Spring is here and it seems like I’m getting an awful lot of emails lately about doing “shadow work.” 

   Now, if you aren’t familiar with shadow work, in a nutshell, it’s looking at the deep dark hidden parts of your psyche with the intention of bringing the negative junk to your awareness so you can transmute it into more positive emotions, and the varied practices for accomplishing this have been around for decades. 

   Sounds great, but think about this for a moment from the perspective of the shadow that your physical body casts.  When we are in a brightly lit area, our bodies cast a shadow, and we all know that.  Now, turning around to look at that shadow does not in any way shape or form cause the shadow to change into something else, or to disappear entirely.  Further, while we can be in areas where we can’t actually see our shadows, that doesn’t mean that the next time we walk outside into the sun that we’ll never see our shadows again, and it’s ridiculous to even think that is possible.  All the shadow means is that there is light source shining on us (and that we’re not a ghost!) and it isn’t neither bad nor good.

   And, it’s the same with our inner shadows.  Every single one of us contains ALL the emotions and traits - we just express them in different ways and intensities.  Some people are generally more upbeat, and others are more sad, but we all have the capacity to feel every single emotion in any given circumstance, and we are meant to feel those emotions!  Note: feeling an emotion is different from expressing an emotion, and too often we inappropriately express our emotions because we haven’t been taught (or allowed) to simply feel them.

   Truthfully, we don’t need to get rid of our “negative” emotions (and we couldn’t even if we wanted to, any more than we can permanently get rid of our external shadow), we need to just allow ourselves to experience and feel them in a safe manner.  Emotions, aka energy in motion, are meant to be felt and moved like waves lapping on a shore. 


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