Friday 2 September 2022

September 2, 2022 Chautauqua

Beth's Ponderings

  It’s back to school time.  Time for new classes, new teachers, new friends, new interests, and new adventures.

   Well, at least for the students and teachers.

   But what about the rest of us?

   I don’t know about you, but I personally was never a fan of going back to school.  I loved learning - and still do - but I didn't like the “school” aspect that came with that learning.

   Just because many of us may be beyond a formal education setting, that doesn’t mean that we can’t embrace the newness of this time of year.

   We can explore new places around us.  We can take a class to learn a new skill.  We can learn from home, or in an adult learning setting.  We can find someone who does what we want to do and ask if they will teach us - surprisingly, many people are more than willing to say Yes, if you just ask them.  The possibilities are endless.

   However, just because there are so many options, that doesn’t mean we should try them all, all at once!  That is a recipe for not only burnout, but for creating a dislike of whatever activity we are trying out.

   So, instead of trying a whole bunch of new experiences, why not commit to just trying out one for a week, or even a whole month, at minimum.  Give yourself a chance to really dive in and fully experience whatever it is that is calling to you right now.  Giving it your whole-hearted attention will not only make the experience so much richer, but will also give you a much better grasp of the nuances that tend to get missed when you just dip your toe into the water, so to speak.

   For myself, though I will be focussing on completing my album and chapbook, and releasing them out into the world this fall, I have also signed up for an online Reiki class - something that has interested me for years, but I wasn’t in the right situation to learn about before.  

   It’s a brand new chance to try something new.  What will you choose to learn this fall?


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   Your support and kindness is always greatly appreciated, and I look forward to continuing to bring joy and inspiration to you with each issue. Thank you so much and have a marvellous day!

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