Friday 5 May 2023

May 5, 2023 Chautauqua

Beth's Ponderings

   By the time you are reading this, I will have celebrated a milestone birthday.

   And just to assure you that age really is just a number, I don’t feel I am this age at all. Okay, there is the odd morning when it is really difficult to get out of bed, that I “might” feel this age, but that is more a reflection of my health than my age.  Though, if you talk to my lovely younger sister, she’ll swear I’m a decade older than I really am! (I point out that would mean she’s older too, but not according to her math!)

   Earlier this year, I mentioned to a friend that I found it interesting when I look back on my (adult) life, that the majority of momentous events or significant accomplishments tend to happen in the year BEFORE I celebrate a milestone birthday.

   For instance, I met and shook hands with Prince Philip, plus started working at the Bashaw library (my first real job) when I was 19. 

   I took on the paper when I was 29 and started my MLS degree studies.   Also, Dad passed when I was 29. 

   We now know I was really sick when I was 39 (total physical collapse happened on my 40th birthday). 

   And the majority of my epic accomplishments last year - 2 card decks, book published, Donalda Art Show, music album, Reiki training, yoga teacher training, and so much more - happened after my 49th birthday.

   I never “planned” for my life to occur in that particular cycle, and anyone who knows me well, knows that I’ll still be accomplishing momentous things this year, but my year will be a slower and quieter one than last year.  Not because I’m getting older, but because I need a chance to integrate everything I have learnt and accomplished.

   And, I’m really THRILLED that I am 50 years old, because in the past 10 years there has been the very real possibility (more than once!) that I wasn’t going to be around to see this birthday.  That I’m still alive and kicking is a HUGE joy and delight to me (and hopefully to you too!)


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