Friday 7 July 2023

July 7, 2023 Chautauqua

Beth's Ponderings

   Ah, we’re entering the lazy days of summer!

   Are your summer days lazy?  Or, are they as busy, if not busier than your regular life?

   I recently finished reading “Rest is Resistance: a manifesto” by Tricia Hersey.  In a nutshell, she advocates taking back our time and our bodies from the tyranny of capitalism though resting.

   How has society, and our lives, gotten so out of control that we need books to tell us how and why to rest?

   And, rest isn’t for the non-working.  I remember my Dad coming home for his lunch break from work - he had an hour long break and 30 mins was spent eating, and 20 mins was spent napping on the couch, before he returned to work.  I have memories of other adults in my life who also would have a cat nap after lunch or before supper.  Plus, there are cultures around the world that have their daily siestas.

   (Personally, I envy anyone who can lie down and just nap as my body doesn’t work that way)

   But resting is more than just naps.  It includes taking a moment to sit down if you’ve been on your feet for a long time.  It includes stopping to chat with someone as you are out and about running errands.  And more importantly, it includes any activity that refuels you such as hobbies, reading, talking a walk, gardening, and so much more. 

   Note: to be a proper rest, it does not include scrolling on your phone or dealing with emails.

    I also recently learnt that in their entire lives, eagles perch (aka rest), to conserve their energy, more then they fly.  They only fly to get food and to stay safe. 

   I’m sure there are a lot more birds and animals in this world that also live lives where they rest considerably more than they move for survival.  So, why do we think as humans (mammals) we don’t need to rest lots as well?


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