Friday 18 August 2023

August 18, 2023 Chautauqua

Beth's Ponderings

   Lately I’ve been reading again the novels from mom’s teenage years.  I first read them all back when I was a teen, and reading them now, I can remember some of the storylines, but not all. 

   Novels with titles such as “Trudy Phillips, New Girl,” “Polly French of Whitford High,” “Ginny Gordon and the Disappearing Candlesticks,” “Donna Parker at Cherrydale,” “Jean Craig, Graduate Nurse,” and more. 

   I haven’t even read my way through half of them yet so have a lot more enjoyable summer reading ahead of me.

   While, I realize that as fiction, they are written with a certain idealize view of life - as is most fiction - there is no denying that life today is sure different from life back in the 1950s!  You can see the same thing watching the old 1950s TV shows too.  And, it more than just the clothing styles that has changed.  Though I wouldn’t mind if some of those styles came back into fashion, and I really like the music from the 50’s.

   Home life is different.  Meals are different - more elaborate back in the day?  Children are raised differently - we think there is more freedom nowadays, but in a way, children today are more restricted. 

   While there were hardships back in the 1950s, as there are in any decade or period of time, there was a much stronger sense of community than we find today.  People banned together, not just in a crisis or tragedy as they still do today, but all throughout the year.

   Would I want to go back in time and live in the 1950s?  Not necessarily.  There are advantages to living in the time we do now.  Advantages that my mom could never have imaged back when she was a teenager. 

   That said, it would be nice to have a renewed sense of community from that time in our lives today.  And the underlying sense of certainty that came with it, that no matter what happened in your life, you were not alone and there would always be a helping hand or a strong shoulder to help share the load, and someone to celebrate with too.


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