Friday 3 May 2024

May 3, 2024 Chautauqua

Beth's Ponderings

   At the time of publication, it will have been 11 years since my total physical collapse.  ELEVEN!?!?!?!?  How can it be ELEVEN YEARS?!!?!?!?  Where did the time go????

   Those eleven years have been quite the roller-coaster ride with many steps forward, and almost as many steps back.  I’ve been on the brink of death 3 times, and in the past 3 years finally was able to take my foot out of the grave and move forward.

   They have been very frustrating years as we tried almost everything under the sun to figure out what was causing my health challenges.  I had to stop eating so many different foods, only to find out it was the tap water, not the food that was the issue.

   Finding out about the tap water - and getting a reverse osmosis unit - dealt with a good 90% of my health challenges, but then I had the l-o-n-g road of getting a lifetime’s worth of toxins out of my body.  Thankfully, it’s an easier process when you aren’t adding a ridiculous amount daily.

   But, that has left us with a baffling 10% that we still can’t figure out.  Is my body still just getting rid of toxins?  Is there another trigger we haven’t discovered yet?  Is it the weather?  Stress?  What??!?!

   Whatever that 10% is, it is still knocking me down more days than I am up in a month, which makes for a challenging life.

   On the other hand, I had my blood checked last month and the results were a DRAMACTIC improvement from when I was last checked in December!!!!  While I’m still frustrated that I can’t do what I want when I want because I feel so sick, I was thrilled to find out that my body IS still healing and getting better.

   Until something reveals itself as the answer we are looking for, I will just continue to smile and breathe.  Inhale…...exhale…………………...


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Read the complete issue of The Chautauqua here:

 Whether you've enjoyed reading The Chautauqua from the first issue 22+ years ago, are a brand new reader, or somewhere in between, I sincerely hope that The Chautauqua has enriched your life, as much as it has enriched mine publishing it.  If you would like to help ensure it continues to enrich others like yourself, I ask you to please consider making a donation to The Chautauqua. There are three methods available:   

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   Your support and kindness is always greatly appreciated, and I look forward to continuing to bring joy and inspiration to you with each issue. Thank you so much and have a marvellous day!

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