Friday, 21 June 2024

June 21, 2024 Chautauqua

Beth's Ponderings

  My dandelion adventures continued with the making of 24 cups of dandelion syrup.  This is my first time making this, so fingers crossed it turned out.  And despite the incredible number of dandelion blooms required for the recipe, you couldn’t tell I’d even picked any off my lawn!

   My next project was to make lilac syrup.  While I made a batch last year, this year’s 17 cups of syrup ended up darker and slightly stronger flavoured because it steeped for over 2 days, instead of a mere 8 hours or so.  That’s what happens when I start something the same week I am delivering papers!

   I also made 9 cups of lilac juice, and hope to make more.  It is like drinking springtime in a glass.  It also tastes incredible mixed with ginger ale for a sparkling springtime taste.

   I didn’t get any caragana blossoms picked this year, but that’s okay as I still have caragana syrup from last year.

   The syrups can be used the same way you’d use any syrup or honey, i.e. on pancakes, but my favourite way to use the syrups is to mix a spoonful in a glass of cold water with a splash of lemon juice for a cool refreshing drink.


Did you know...I published two 40-page chapbooks?  One is a collection of my early Peeping Thomasina columns, and the other is the story of how I became an artist.  Both are available directly from me and are $10 & $15.

Read the complete issue of The Chautauqua here:

 Whether you've enjoyed reading The Chautauqua from the first issue 22+ years ago, are a brand new reader, or somewhere in between, I sincerely hope that The Chautauqua has enriched your life, as much as it has enriched mine publishing it.  If you would like to help ensure it continues to enrich others like yourself, I ask you to please consider making a donation to The Chautauqua. There are three methods available:   

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   Your support and kindness is always greatly appreciated, and I look forward to continuing to bring joy and inspiration to you with each issue. Thank you so much and have a marvellous day!

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