Friday 20 September 2024

September 20, 2024 Chautauqua

Beth's Ponderings

Just to give you an update on where things are right now.

   A HUGE heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who made donations and placed ads in the paper.  Your support means the world to me.

   I was able to have all of the outstanding printing payments made in full by the end of August!!!!!!

   I am still waiting to hear back if I am eligible for the grant or not.  Truthfully, it doesn’t look promising.  While there was no requirement stated that I had to be a “traditional” newspaper to apply for the grant (just had to be a publication that was published consistently throughout the year), they have been asking for information that I can’t provide them because it doesn't fit my situation at all.

   That means going forward, your support in the form of donations and advertising is even more important now.  Please keep helping the paper!


Read the complete issue of The Chautauqua here:

 Whether you've enjoyed reading The Chautauqua from the first issue 22+ years ago, are a brand new reader, or somewhere in between, I sincerely hope that The Chautauqua has enriched your life, as much as it has enriched mine publishing it.  If you would like to help ensure it continues to enrich others like yourself, I ask you to please consider making a donation to The Chautauqua. There are three methods available:   

Mail a cheque or money order (made out to Beth Richardson – Chautauqua) to Box 261 Mirror, AB T0B 3C0 

E-transfer/PayPal to 

   Your support and kindness is always greatly appreciated, and I look forward to continuing to bring joy and inspiration to you with each issue. Thank you so much and have a marvellous day!

Contact The Chautauqua via email: or via Facebook: