Friday 6 November 2020

November 6, 2020 Chautauqua

Beth's Ponderings

      Ever forget how to spell a word?  Not just any word, but a really simple common word?

   That happened to me the other day.  I can’t remember now what the word was, but I can tell you it had less than 6 letters, and was one I tend to use a lot, but at the moment I needed it, I could not remember how it was spelt at all!

   When that would happen to me as a child, my mom would always tell me to just go look it up in the dictionary, which used to bug me to no end, because if I knew how to spell the word enough to look it up, I wouldn’t need to look it up! 

   Sounding out the word didn’t always help either.  I confess, that in high school once I completely blanked on how to spell “is” and sounding it out SHOULD have worked to help me figure it out, but it didn’t.  Ever try getting a school teacher to tell you how to spell “is” - trust me, it’s pretty much impossible because they don’t believe you!

   Thankfully, we have technology now that will tell you how to spell a word when you speak to it, and it doesn’t care that you can’t spell the word, or tell you to go look it up.


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