Friday 21 May 2021

May 21, 2021 Chautauqua

Beth's Ponderings

   Have you looked up at the sky lately?  I mean, really truly looked at the sky?

   One of the things I love most about living in Alberta is the sweeping vistas we have here.  You can see for miles and miles, and most of that view is wide open sky in all directions.

   While I’ve been a sky admirer for most of my life, I have been appreciating it even more recently because, for approximately three weeks, I’ve been creating a simple daily “sky” drawing on my ipad each morning.  As I’m an early riser, and the view I’m using is out my window looking east, the drawings have been mostly sunrises now, but I’ve also completed ones reflecting the sky’s appearance later in the morning or afternoon.  A few times, I did two as the sky changed so dramatically from when I started drawing the first one that I had to capture the change in a second one.

   Like a river, the sky is never static.  While at first glance it may seem to be the same, the sky is constantly changing - as the sun moves from east to west, and as the clouds drift in and out.   The colours are always shifting too, not just at sunrise and sunset.   And, there is also the beauty of the night sky to explore with its stars and the ever changing phases of the moon. 

   The sky gives you a bigger perspective as it is immense enough to contain and handle whatever weather may be occurring.  A thunderstorm in one direction doesn’t detract from what is happening in the other three directions.  Have you looked at the sky today?


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