Friday 3 February 2023

February 3, 2023 Chautauqua

Beth's Ponderings

  As I mentioned last time, the theme for the month of January in the creative mentorship program I belong to is creating space.

   Our most recent exploration around creating space in our lives has been about changing our minds - which isn’t as simple or obvious as you may think.

   Changing our minds covers a whole spectrum from always changing your mind, all the way to rarely changing your mind.  As well, each point on the spectrum can have good qualities, such as being flexible (changing more often) to being committed (rarely changing), or not so good qualities, such as being wishy-washy (easily influenced by others) or rigid (inflexible, ignoring the guidance of others)

   Most of us are in a fairly balanced position on mind changing, but it does depend on the situation and circumstances as to which end of the spectrum we tend to lean towards more.

   So, for this week, we’ve been challenged to look at how we make choices and decisions, and whether we ever change our minds after making those decisions.

   We exist in a society that seems to have a real phobia about making the “wrong” decision to the point that sometimes it feels like even the most basic choices we have to make in a day - what do I eat, what do I wear - can become paralyzing so that when we are faced with bigger, more challenging choices, we don’t know what to do.

   A great way to approach life, and decision-making, is to treat life like an experiment - a concept that I play with often.  That way there is no great pressure to make the “right” choice, but rather a chance to see if something works, or not,  If it does, great!  If it doesn’t, trying something else. 

   Besides decluttering your physical space, sometimes it’s important to declutter your choices and decisions.  Imagine how much easier your life would be if you let yourself change your mind if necessary.


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