Friday 20 October 2023

October 20, 2023 Chautauqua

Beth's Ponderings

   I signed up for Kate Ward’s, of Zen Stitching, UFO October. 

   There aren’t any aliens or other sci-fi elements involved, as UFO stands for UnFinished Objects.  Something many creative people tend to have lying around at any given moment.

   For the first week, we were to estimate how many UFO’s we had in our lives, and then count them to find out how many we REALLY have.

   While I haven’t done the actual count yet, I’m sure I could easily have close to a 100 UFO’s if I counted each individual project separately, though counting them as categories made the number less daunting.

  I have (just off the top of my head so not a complete list)...

            1. unfinished crafts that Gramma started that I’d like to finish

            2. unfinished crafts that Mom started that I’d like to finish

            3. unfinished cross-stitch projects, including a Valentine shirt

            4. almost a dozen different unfinished book manuscripts

            5. in-progress paintings

            6. in-progress knitting and crochet projects

            7. unfinished songs from last year

            8. 3 card decks I started

   Some UFO’s are more current, and some go back almost 30 years.  Some will require quite a bit of time and effort to complete.  Though, quite a few I could finish if I just SAT DOWN and DID them.

   And there in lies the secret.  Just sitting down and working on the projects.  Nothing fancy, nothing outlandish, just working on them in a focused manner.

   Which will I get finished before the end of the year?  We’ll have to wait and see.  I may get lots done, or I may get none of them done, as it depends on my health, schedule and other commitments.

    While it would be nice to have no UFO’s floating around my house, that I have some lets me know that I am learning and being creative.


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