Friday 3 November 2023

November 3, 2023 Chautauqua

Beth's Ponderings

   I once was in discussion with a person who told me - in all seriousness - that the world was going to end in a mere handful of years, and what we were supposed to do about that.

   My response was that we need to appreciate all the good in our lives, and do everything we can to make the world a better, kinder place NOW.

   I was very politely told that I obviously had missed the point, and they repeated that the world was going to end, and the exact date that it would end.

   I’m sure that person probably wanted me to flip out like they were, and start running around with a “the sky is falling, the sky is falling” attitude.  I didn’t.

   Because, I believe that I really did get the point.  Whether the world ends tomorrow, or a million years from now is not what matters.  What matters is what we do NOW.

   What are we doing in our homes, schools, work spaces, communities and the large world to make things better?  How often are we appreciating what we do have, as opposed to constantly complaining about what we don’t?  Are we being kind to everyone we encounter, whether we know them or not?  Are we truly listening to the people we are with?

   Smiling at someone can seem such a small insignificant action, but we have no idea how even 1 smile can impact another person, and how it ripples out from there.  Smiles are contagious! 


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