Friday 15 December 2023

December 15, 2023 Chautauqua

Beth's Ponderings  

  We are days away from the Winter Solstice - shortest day, longest night.

   As an adult, I always found it interesting that what should be a time of quiet and reflection in our year is the busiest and most frantic time as we prepare for and celebrate Christmas (and other holidays if you are of a different faith background).

   I also found it really interesting this year that I felt the return to Standard Time in a way I haven’t notice before.  I’m sure this isn’t the first year it’s happened to me, but it certainly is the first year that my body really registered the time change.  So much so, that I suddenly felt like I was no longer “rushing” through my days. 

   Now, to be clear, just because the time changed, that didn’t mean that my life dramatically changed, because it didn’t.  If anything, life got a lot busier as I collected the greetings for this issue’s special insert. 

   But, in amongst the busyness, and frantic phoning, and everything else I was juggling, I felt myself move through the day in a completely different manner.

   I wasn’t looking at the clock or my watch every 5 minutes and lamenting about how fast the day was going. I wasn’t rushing through meals because it felt like I didn’t have enough hours in my day.  I didn’t feel like I was trying to cram a week’s (or month’s) worth of work into the day just to get done what needed to be done. 

   No, I was actually waking up later in the morning than before the time change.  I was eating my meals leisurely.  I was getting the majority of my work done before lunch.  I was ending my days with my evenings free to do whatever I wanted.

   Now, I do realize as a single person, I have more flexibility in my life than most people, but even so, we all need to take some time, as the days shorten, to create some more space and leisure so we can truly enjoy the various celebrations this time of year.  Merry Christmas!


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