Friday 5 January 2024

January 5, 2024 Chautauqua

Beth's Ponderings

  It’s a brand new year!  Though, have you ever noticed that the new year doesn’t feel any different (at first) than the old year?

   For some reason we crazy humans think that as soon as the calendar changes to not only a new month, but a whole new year, our lives will be dramatically different, preferably for the better.

   And there are countless traditions and superstitions to ensure that the new year comes in on a positive note and the year continues on the same vein.

   Now, just to be sure, I’m not saying that wanting the new year to be better than the last is a bad thing or wrong.  Goodness knows, we’ve had a few tough years in a row now, so hoping for an improvement is totally natural.

   But, putting all that pressure at the beginning of the year on ourselves and the coming days is a wee bit unrealistic.

   We can have hopes, dreams, goals, and more for the year, but we have 365 days to experience them in.  Not just the beginning days of January.  We have a whole year ahead of us so why try and rush most of it by in the first couple of weeks of January?  The years fly by fast enough as it is.

   Unless you are currently in the midst of project or goal, why not just enjoy the month of January, without filling it to the brim with new projects and tasks?

   Let the year start in a more quiet contemplative fashion and then, just maybe, what you do decide to accomplish will mean more to you, and will be what you really want to spend your time on.  Rather than the usual “I really should…..” and “I must….” items we tend to put on our to-do lists for the year.

   And by taking the time to really think about what we want the year to look like, we can also create more time and space for fun!


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