I am holding a "Save the Chautauqua”Art Sale in the solarium! You are invited to come check it out each weekend, 10 AM - 4:30 PM at 4910 - 47 St in Mirror, from now to the September long weekend. This is a great opportunity to see my art in person and pick up some early Christmas gifts for your family and friends.
Well, we certainly had summer this year! The days and weeks with heat warning temperatures (plus, humidity and wildfire smoke) sure sucked what little energy I did have right out of me! It's also been wreaking havoc with my garden - just the weeds seem to be growing and even they were struggling! I have never seen dandelions struggle before!
- My niece was here on July 16th. We fixed the fence around the raspberries (a HUGE UFO), toured the garden and identified everything I planted (that’s growing), picked rhubarb, chickweed, herbs, cherry tomatoes, and a handful of strawberries…prepared the rhubarb for juice…made a salad with the chickweed, carrots, cherry tomatoes, sunflower seeds and grated cheese…made the last of the carrots in the fridge into a salad and into carrot noodles (another UFO)…made grapefruit juice from some grapefruit that needed used (another UFO)…made orange mango pineapple popsicles (another UFO)…watched a movie on TV…she played with the Barbies for a bit…we played Clue - I won 1 of the 6 (?) games...we made ice cream floats. All in all, a fun day and I was able to mark some items off my list.
- My summer banner went live on the Wondercafe2 site on July 17th. This is the final commissioned banner I did for the site.
- on July 19th, I received an email that I was a winner in the World Watercolour Month draws! Honestly, I've never participated in World Watercolour Month, except to enter the draws, and I've entered the other monthly(ish) Doodlewash draws for years without winning. This time I did! My prize arrived on August 1st! These watercolours will be a massive leap up from the dollar store set I've been using! I might need to invest in some watercolour paper now!
My niece was back on August 3rd! We completely rearranged the solarium and deck sales for my "Save the Chautauqua”Art Sale in the solarium! You are invited to come check it out each weekend from now to the September long weekend. This is a great opportunity to see my art in person and pick up some early Christmas gifts.
- On August 4th I completed my 1,800th sky drawing on the ipad since April 27, 2021!
- I published two more comic strips in the paper and posted them online.
Recently Completed:
Since the last newsletter, I've completed...
A SMILE painting (watercolour pencils, acrylics, Inktense pencils, Posca paint pens, glitter glue on 9x12 mixed media paper) inspired by a process by Whitney Freya
I completed my Inner Circle Summer Solstice EXPAND mandala. It is a "wheel of reflection" in mandala form as each ring depicts (moving out from large centre circle) wins, failures, wisdoms, what I want to change, possibilities, and actions I will take.
I played with Charlotte Hamilton's 5-minute self-portraits process using the larger reference photo for these explorations. Each one sure has a different personality!
I felt ready to move on and try another technique, inspired by Miriam Schulman, though I still used the playful backgrounds and the single colour for the details. This time I carbon-copied the reference photo onto the paper and "coloured" the image with watercolours.
- I completed more mini collages on 4.5x6 mixed media paper
- I finished my 31st cartoon comic booklet! You can view it here: https://www.facebook.com/beth.richardson.10/videos/1134956600898476
In Beth's Kitchen:
On July 20th, I made the rhubarb juice we had started earlier in the week and ended up with 13 cups. There was less rhubarb than I expected when we picked it. Fingers crossed for a second (and possibly third) picking.
Jigsaw Puzzles:
Since my last letter, I completed a 1,000 piece puzzle
UFO (UnFinished Object) Update:
- While not a creative UFO, I did finally get a bunch of filing completed, and I sorted a year and half's worth of receipts - ones I didn't need to keep were discarded. That is one box finally off my dining room table!
- Other UFO's completed are mentioned above.
Courses and Challenges (free and paid):
- Angela Murray's 6 week Painting Happiness (free) course - I completed my canvas mandala on July 14th (acrylics, Posca pens on 13 inch round canvas). This was MORE fun than I expected (and I expected to have lots of fun)! I might get some more round canvases and paint more.
- Amanda Sophia's free mini course on Feng Shui - paused
- Amanda Sophia’s free Geomancy & Land Healing course - not started yet.
- Amanda Sophia's free mini Divine Woman Awakening course on the Celtic Wheel of the Year - we're in Lughnasadh now, the midpoint between the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox known as the second harvest, that falls around August 1st for the celebration day. The Irish goddess associated with Lughnasadh is Danu, the mother of Ireland, and this is a time of abundance as we "reap what we've sown." It is also a time to let go of what is no longer needed.
- Hillary Faye's (paid) Eternal Beauty course - with the Calgary Stampede over, I was able to start this course on July 15th. I listened to the guided meditation audios for each of the 6 weeks of the course, and will go back and complete more of the suggested work for each week.
- I'm practicing my drum playing daily, and still haven't moved onto the next lesson yet.
- Recipes, Remedies, and Rituals Ayurveda course practices: eating only my personal portion size during each meal - I'm also playing around with how many meals I eat each day (in the past it's been 5-6 if you count the large snacks) and doing abdominal rubbing throughout the day to help with digestion/elimination and overall relaxation of the body.
Works in progress:
Currently, I'm working on...
- a 9x12 page of watercolour play
- seated forward bends! It's been a challenge to keep doing my practice (my daily sun salutations and Qigong have completely fallen by the wayside for now as they require just too much energy). I'm mainly doing my seated forward bend in the tub when I have my evening bath.
2nd row (L-R): Mar. 11, Mar. 18, Mar. 25
3rd row (L-R): Apr. 1, Apr. 8
4th row (L-R): Apr. 15, Apr. 22, Apr. 29
5th row (L-R): May 6, May 13, May 27
6th row (L-R): June 3, June 10
7th row (L-R): June 17, June 24, July 8
Bottom row (L-R): July 15, Aug. 5
Featured Items for Sale:
"Magical Moments in my Day Journal: for the extra special moments all around me" 6x9 lined journal (2022/2023) $15 or from Amazon https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0CJLKZ3KB

Please contact me at thechautauqua@gmail.com or phone 403-352-3837 to make a purchase.
Upcoming Projects:
"Save the Chautauqua”Art Sale in the solarium! You are invited to come check it out each weekend from now to the September long weekend. This is a great opportunity to see my art in person and pick up some early Christmas gifts.
- I offer Pay-What-You-Can Distance Reiki/Energy Healing sessions. Energy healing works great from any distance and I've sent Reiki healing as far away as Queensland, Australia. Please, contact me to set up your healing session.
"I have been suffering with Long COVID for over a year and have tried every healing modality in the book to get my energy back. Beth has been gifting me with healing Reiki energy for quite some time now and I have, for the first time in over a year, started to feel like myself again. Much of my weakness has dissipated, and the dark cloud that I have been stewing under has lifted. Thank you Beth. ♥️" - Carla, Esthetician, Nova Scotia
Thanks for reading, and as always, feel free to share with anyone you think might enjoy it.
As a life-long creative, and recently self-taught artist, I endeavour to weave my varied interests and wisdom together in an enlightening and entertaining manner, to make people think, but above all else, bring a smile to their faces and hearts, as my style is almost childlike in its simplicity and playfulness. While bedridden for much of 2017, I developed 5 – 10 minute practices which allowed me to commit to them daily. I’ve been called the “Queen of Small Steps” because my simple practices – though they may seem small individually – have added up to quite a body of work in a relatively short time period.
Thank you so much for your support, and again, if you would like to receive this newsletter directly via email please email: thechautauqua@gmail.com and ask to be added to the mailing list. Thank you!
Back issues of this newsletter can be found here: https://thechautauquanewspaper.blogspot.com/ under the category "Artist Newsletter"
If you would like to support my artistic journey, please consider purchasing my artwork, items available in person at 4910-47 St, Mirror, AB
or by making a donation via
Mail a cheque or money order (made out to Beth Richardson – Chautauqua) to Box 261 Mirror, AB T0B 3C0
E-transfer to thechautauqua@gmail.com
PayPal at https://paypal.me/thechautauqua (note: you will need to sign into PayPal first, and then specify the amount)
Your support and kindness are always greatly appreciated, and I look forward to continuing to bring joy and inspiration! Thank you so much and have a marvellous day!