Friday 19 November 2021

November 19, 2021 Chautauqua

Beth's Ponderings

   It’s time for an update into my wild and adventurous life, as I’ve shared what I’ve been doing, but I haven’t shared the results yet.

   At the end of October I finally heard back from the first gallery that I had submitted the proposal to back in August, and...they said No.  They had more submissions than expected and could only select six.  So, I was disappointed, but it was still a good experience for me to submit the proposal.

   Later, the same day, they reached out regarding the second smaller proposal I’d submitted for the smaller gallery, that they had accepted in August.  It seems that they were quite impressed  with my first proposal (even though they didn’t accept it) and want to EXPAND my second proposal to include most (but not all) of the artwork from my first proposal!  WOW!

   That means, I’ll will be experiencing my very first art exhibition some time in January - at the time of this writing, we’re still working out details - and it will be even better than what I had proposed, as they really want to focus on how I developed the daily practice I have now, and how it has informed the scope of my output.  Again, more details to follow as they are finalized.

   I thought submitting the proposals was a leap out of my comfort zone, but they were NOTHING compared to what I’m in the midst of doing now for a creative stretch!  I signed up for a 10-Day singing/songwriting immersion, and I can’t not believe that I am actually writing songs and singing them!  The very first song was a chant literally based on the card pictured to the right!  This is certainly an adventure!


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   Your support and kindness is always greatly appreciated, and I look forward to continuing to bring joy and inspiration to you with each issue. Thank you so much and have a marvellous day!

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