Friday 5 November 2021

November 5, 2021 Chautauqua

Beth's Ponderings

   At my recent acupuncture appointment, I was given another piece in this puzzle of my health journey.  It seems I’m “Yin Deficient, which means, in a nutshell, my “constitution” is continuously revving so hard and fast that it is literally draining the energy from my body, which never gets a chance to really slow down and relax.  Hmmmm - lying exhausted on the couch doesn’t count as relaxed it seems!

   I’m already doing the usual methods of slowing down and relaxing - which includes daily breath work, meditation, and yoga - so for the next month, we’re going to experiment with restoring my balance via food.

   In the past (ie pre-8 years ago), my version of balanced eating was 50 - 70% healthy foods and 30 - 50% sinfully indulgent (ie dessert) foods, and by and large, that system seemed to work for me, though, of course, we now know it didn’t totally work.  Though there were some aspects that did work, I didn’t think much of it as we had found out that food wasn’t the underlying issue that I needed to worry about.

   This time, to restore balance, I need to eat more “Yin foods,” which thankfully for me, includes cheese, eggs, honey, dairy, pineapple, tomatoes and other items that I do like and eat.  I’m also to increase my consumption of kidney beans and beef (or pork) kidneys - now that last one I may need to work up to as I honestly can’t remember the last time I had kidney, though I know it was in a steak & kidney pie. 

   So I’m crossing my fingers that this experiment brings the results I want, and  that my body finally gets a chance to really relax! 


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