Friday 17 March 2023

March 17, 2023 Chautauqua

Beth's Ponderings

   I love to do jigsaw puzzles.  Every year for Christmas, Dad would get at least one puzzle, and we’d spend the winter completing puzzles.

   After he passed away, I kept doing puzzles during the winter till I decided that I loved doing them so much that I would do puzzles year-round.  Since then, I’ve always had a puzzle on the go, and every day I put in at least one piece - on good days I get a whole section or two completed.

   So far this year, I’ve completed a 3,000 piece puzzle that was missing all the edge pieces (except one!) and some interior pieces too!  I also completed a lovely 1,000 piece country kitchen scene and a 1,000 piece shamrock-shaped puzzle - shaped ones are some of my favourites.

   Currently, I’m working on a puzzle that I was told was “impossible.”  Personally I have never found any jigsaw puzzle to be impossible to finish, though I may find it extremely challenging.  I just started this one, but feel confident that I’ll have it done by the time you are reading this.


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