Friday 10 March 2023

My Artist Voice #11 March 10, 2023

   Welcome to my eleventh Artist Newsletter.  Thank you so much to everyone who has subscribed to date.  If you would like to receive this newsletter via email subscription, please contact and ask to be added to the mailing list.  Please share this with friends who may also be interested.  Thank you so much for your support.  

   This was certainly a different month - but I could probably say that truthfully about most months of my life.
   My niece was here on February 22nd for the day and we had a lot of fun.  She taught me how to play Yahtzee, we did some sorting and cleaning in the house, I taught her some yoga, we untangled all of my in-progress crochet projects so I can (hopefully) start in on them again, and we sorted through mom's old jewellery.  All in all, a great day, and we accomplished lots.  Though, there is still so much to do around here.

   I found out that I was not accepted to paint a boot for the 2023 Cowboy Kicks program that I had applied for last fall.  Maybe next year?

   I applied for the Calgary Stampede 2023 Dream Home Artist Contest on February 23rd.  This was my second year applying and I had high hopes.  Alas, I found out on March 7th that I was not accepted.  Very disappointing, but I can try again next year.


- On February 21st I had my final 1:1 with Hillary Faye and received my Kundalini Reiki Master Level attunement!  I can now attune others, as well as treat others.  If you would like a Reiki session, or to know more about the process, please let me know.

Recently Completed:

Since the last newsletter, I've completed...

(top L-R) "Yum Yum" (8x10 acyrlics), Rose mandala (Posca pen/Derwent Inktense pencils on 9x12 mixed media paper)
(bottom L-R) Watercolour play (9x12 mixed media paper), "Dear Gramma" (8x10 acrylics)

- I baked another mushroom and veggie quiche.  Decided I needed something sweet to eat so used the second pie crust to make a chocolate coconut pie - used chocolate milk as that's all I had in the house and it was pretty good.
- I completed my 20th (!) cartoon comic booklet of 48 cartoon/comics!  You can view it here:

- I finished converting my patterns to a purple background!  I have ideas for more patterns but haven't had a chance to experiment with them yet.

Works in progress:

Currently, I'm working on... 
- a 9x12 page of watercolour play 
- an 8x10 acrylic painting + a 16x20 acrylic painting (from Inner Circle 2022 Hawaii virtual painting retreat)
- mandala on 9x12 mixed media paper 
- I am continuing to create cards from Shiloh Sophia's Wild Card Oracle class.  Not sure how many I'll make in total, and I have 55 completed to date.

- The online Awaken Love Yoga Teacher Training course is getting closer to completion.  We have just under two months left!  I really enjoy the breath work and mantras, and have even shared some of them with my two Aussie buddies and my niece.  We've been doing different mantras and breath work practices for 40 day challenges and the ones I really like, I've continued well past the 40 days.  I keep hoping and crossing my fingers that I'll be able to do more of the poses and Kundalini yoga Kriyas.

- I am over halfway through the self-paced "Painting with Words" course.  Some of the fonts are lots of fun and I plan to keep practicing after I make it through the whole course.
- I'm still on the skin care unit in the Recipes, Remedies, and Rituals Ayurveda course.  So many tips I want to incorporate into my daily life but I'm maxed out on new daily practices right now with the ones from the yoga teacher training.

- I am almost finished my second cycle of the Morgan Le Fay Summer Moon course.  Once I complete that, I have some bonus materials to go through.

Anne's Atelier pattern design membership: I'm starting to get to know the other ladies and their pattern styles 

- I completed Week 4 of Hillary Faye's 8-week Abundant Heart Kundalini yoga course, and am on Weeks 5 & 6 - there is a lot of overlap with what I'm learning in the yoga teacher training so that is helping with the learning process and integration of the practices.

Upcoming Projects

- Yoga Teacher Training practicum March 26th.  Fingers crossed!

Thanks for reading, and as always, feel free to share with anyone you think might enjoy it.



As a life-long creative, and recently self-taught artist, I endeavour to weave my varied interests and wisdom together in an enlightening and entertaining manner, to make people think, but above all else, bring a smile to their faces and hearts, as my style is almost childlike in its simplicity and playfulness.  While bedridden for much of 2017, I developed 5 – 10 minute practices which allowed me to commit to them daily. I’ve been called the “Queen of Small Steps” because my simple practices – though they may seem small individually – have added up to quite a body of work in a relatively short time period. 


Thank you so much for your support, and again, if you would like to receive this newsletter directly via email please email: and ask to be added to the mailing list.  Thank you!

Back issues of this newsletter can be found here:  under the category "Artist Newsletter"

If you would like to support my artistic journey, please consider purchasing my artwork, select items available online or in person at 4910-47 St, Mirror, AB

or by making a donation via
Mail a cheque or money order (made out to Beth Richardson – Chautauqua) to Box 261 Mirror, AB T0B 3C0 

E-transfer to 

PayPal at (note: you will need to sign into PayPal first, and then specify the amount) 

   Your support and kindness are always greatly appreciated, and I look forward to continuing to bring joy and inspiration! Thank you so much and have a marvellous day!