Friday 3 March 2023

March 3, 2023 Chautauqua

Beth's Ponderings

   I ended up sitting through a LONG discussion the other day about limiting beliefs and how we can remove them from our lives.

   If you are unfamiliar with the term “limiting beliefs,” they are the beliefs you hold, known but usually unknown, that are holding you back from living the life you really want.  Not as severe as phobias, they can still keep you stuck.

   Some people offer courses or sessions to get rid of your limiting beliefs, with some even promising to remove ALL of your limiting beliefs. 

   The methods of dealing with limiting beliefs range from very elaborate to moderately simple, over months of intense work or minutes.

   I can give you a quick and simple way to address your limiting beliefs.  Just play with me here.

   First write down the biggest, grandest, most exciting dream you have.

   Now, list all the reasons why you are not living that dream right now.  Go ahead.  Take as much time as you like.  Get it all out on paper.

   Once you have your list, take a moment to read through it.  Everything you listed is a limiting belief - in other words, an excuse - you believe.  Before you get all discourage, please note that some of the items on your list will be totally and completely valid and true at this time.  But, there are also probably items on the list that are rather foolish sounding now that they are written down. 

   The final step is to do one small action, the tinier the better in this case, that will bring you one teeny tiny step closer to living that dream. And then tomorrow take another teeny tiny step, and repeat.

   Limiting beliefs are transformed by taking actions that bring you closer to what you want in life.  Because the gap from where we are to where we want to be is usually SO HUGE, we get defeated before we start, but tiny steps add up like pennies.  We don’t need to know what our limiting beliefs are to reach for our dreams.  We just need to start taking action, any small action, to increase our confidence we can do it.


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