Friday 8 September 2023

My Artist Voice #17 September 8, 2023

   Welcome to my 17th Artist Newsletter.  Thank you so much to everyone who has subscribed to date.  If you would like to receive this newsletter directly in your email inbox, please contact and ask to be added to the mailing list.  Please share this with friends who may also be interested.  Thank you so much for your support.  

    Registration has opened for a new fall session of the Awaken Love Yoga Teacher Training program that I did last year.  This is an amazing, life-changing program created by Hillary Faye, and led by the most incredible Marda Sperber.  More than just a yoga teacher training, this program will guide you into a deeper relationship with yourself, and expand your concept of what you thought was possible in your life.

I was initially drawn to this program for the Reiki component, the mantras, creating a daily practice (mine had fallen by the wayside when I got sick 10 years ago) and other types of yoga such as Kundalini yoga.  While I did learn lots about all that, I gained so much more.  I connected with a group of women, and one man, who reflected back to me a view of myself that I had not seen before, and we all became very close.  Despite doing Hatha yoga for years, and even having taught it for a few years, this course challenged me from the beginning - so much so that there were times I didn't know if I'd be able to complete it as I didn't have the physical strength or stamina for some of the classes.  Thankfully, this is such a loving class structure, with everyone energetically carrying everyone else, that even if I ended up lying down for the whole class, I was still very much a part of the class and still learning.  Marda brought in previous Awaken Love YTT grads to share with us how they used the training in their lives/careers and there was quite the range, and not all were teaching yoga.  This course is so valuable even if you are just taking it for yourself for self-development.  Ultimately, whether you teach or not is immaterial as the point of the training is to bring you into a fuller, more loving relationship with yourself, and from there you can share your light with others, however that looks like.  I highly recommend this course.

   "The Awaken Love YTT offers one-of-a-kind 200 hour Yoga Alliance Registered Hatha Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training with an emphasis on Kundalini Yoga, alchemy and healing! 
   This unique Yoga Alliance approved training allows you to share invaluable, ancient technologies for transformation and happiness. In addition to becoming a yoga teacher, you will become a meditation guide, and a teacher of love, breath, and relaxation.
   There is no other yoga teacher training like this on Earth that offers more than five trainings in one. Learn how easily you can share the benefits of physical yoga (Hatha and Vinyasa), the yoga of meditation and awareness (Kundalini), and transformational healing including (Reiki and Alchemy)." (from website)

If you would like more information about the program, or would like to apply, please visit  If you would just like to experience some of the magic, without taking the course, please reach out to me for a personal yoga/energy session.


- It was confirmed that I had two items sold with my "Yay or Nay" image through the Wraptious contest and I received a commission payment of $5.50 (after exchanging from British pounds)!!!!  Pretty exciting as I didn't know what to expect when I entered, and even though I didn't get chosen, I still gained.

- one of my sky drawings was chosen to be the fall banner image on the Wondercafe2 website.  This is the 3rd or 4th (possibly 5th?!) sky drawing that has been a banner image on the site.

- my niece was here for her 13th birthday.  We picked all the peppers, some tomatoes, onions, HUGE cucumbers, the last of the peas, some broad beans, the last of the rhubarb, and we dug up ALL of the potatoes.  My niece cut up the apples I picked earlier in the week and we prepped them for juice.  Then we spent HOURS and HOURS washing potatoes - they filled the sink.  We made two potato waffles (my plan was to make more but I was too tired by then), 4 dozen potato cups in muffin tins and 3 cookie sheets of hash browns. We ate the waffles, and froze 3 dozen of the potato cups and all of the hash browns.  We also sorted some more of my clothes before she left.
- I was fortunate as my niece was able to visit on September 2nd, as well.  It was a FULL day!  We picked all of the beets, some carrots, some cucumbers, some pattypan squash, 2 turnips (that we somehow missed the first time!), and some broad beans.  We defrosted a small freezer in my kitchen, the basement fridge/freezer, and washed out the kitchen fridge's freezer - that was a pretty impressive accomplishment in and of itself, but then we washed all the produce and made 3 pints of relish, 2 pints + 2 cups of freezer pickles, and 10 cups of beet pickles.  Truthfully, for ease, I used the same freezer pickle recipe for all of them, and we had room in the freezers for the jars because we'd cleaned them!  We also roasted beets and cucumbers.  While we washed a lot of beet greens, we didn't get them all dealt with, and I still had a sink full to wash, when she left at 4:55 PM.  All in all, another fun day together and we even took pictures with my blooming sunflower!  I planted sunflowers for the past 3 or 4 years (different varieties of seeds each time) and this was the first year they came up!
Recently Completed:

Since the last newsletter, I've completed...

- On August 10th, I made a pint of viola/pansy juice - I had enough blossoms to make more, but thought I'd start with a smaller batch first - I had a lot of white and yellow blossoms, and it still turned out a lovely deep purple!  I think I ended up with more green bits in it than I thought as it was a bit "grassy" tasting, but was fine once I mixed it with ginger ale.  I made a banana/raspberry baked oatmeal on August 12th.  On August 15th, I made 3 more cups of viola/pansy juice.  While I love the colour, and I have LOADS of blossoms, I think I'll stick to making lilac juice. On August 23rd, I finished the apple juice we'd started, and ended up with 5 quarts + 1 pint of juice.  I cut up all of the peppers on August 25th and roasted 3 cookie sheets (about 3/4s of the total).  On August 26, I sliced up the HUGE cucumbers.  Filled 3 cookie sheets and roasted them in the oven - I used coconut oil as handy, but really should have used butter as the flavour is better.  I had some small cucumbers, and a craving for pickles, but not the energy to go all out and make traditional pickles (and I didn't have THAT many cucumbers ready) so I looked online and found a recipe for freezer pickles on Martha Stewart's site that was nice and easy.  On August 27th, I made a pint + 1 cup of freezer pickles - first time making these so fingers crossed.
- I completed my 24th cartoon comic booklet.  You can view it here:

- In Anne's Atelier we were encouraged to sign up for 3 free mini courses that were offered during the month of August.  The first was from Bärbel Dressler and covered the history of patterns (wow!) and the 5 main pattern types.  The second was from Sarah Watts and covered how to use Photoshop for pattern design and illustration.  While I don't use Photoshop (and don't have it now), I did pick up some good tips.  The third was Stacie Bloomfield's Artist's Side Hustle and gave lots of great examples and ideas for ways to sell your art, besides the "obvious."  I enjoyed it so much, I added taking her course to my Basket of Possibilities.  Actually, I have so many ideas, goals, dreams, and potential opportunities, that I had to start a second Basket of Possibilities as my first was overflowing!

Works in progress:

Currently, I'm working on... 
- a 9x12 page of watercolour play
- an 8x10 acrylic painting (does thinking about it every day count?) + a 16x20 acrylic painting (2022/23 Hawaii virtual painting retreat - truthfully still stalled)
- Heart Cards in watercolour pencil/Posca paint pen on mixed media paper 
- I'm still playing around with my water-soluble Tombow markers (top 2 rows) and watercolour pencils (bottom row) on 6 x 4.5 inch mixed media paper
- I continued to explore my sun doodles on a larger surface - 6 x 4.5 inch mixed media paper - these ones had pre-painted backgrounds.
Shiloh Sophia's Wild Card Oracle class - I finished more of the cards I had prepped.  Not sure yet if I'll make more cards or not.
Recipes, Remedies, and Rituals Ayurveda course - it's been so long since I did anything on it, I will have to start over for a refresher when I get back to it!

Anne's Atelier pattern design membership: I've been having trouble with Illustrator cooperating and dpi staying the same when I import images.  Grrrr  Despite those headaches, I played around and created a few more patterns, with variations.  I went a step further and created some mock-up images on dresses, which makes it so much easier to see how the pattern will look.
Then, for a lark, I tried a mock-up with one of my sky drawings. OH MY WOW! It worked way better than I imagined, and my mind filled with a whole bunch of possibilities and options.  I took some of my earlier drawings and tried them out too.
As I was having so much fun creating the mock-ups, I pulled out some of my tea patterns and tried them out.  While the mock-ups are very rough, I like the look of the tote bags, but think that the dresses need smaller motifs.  Though, it is really hard to gauge the scale of the pattern till you see it on something.
One day, I decided to try mock-ups with the images I used for the Wraptious contest - they didn't all work, but I wasn't out anything as it's a simple way to explore possibilities. :)
Then I went totally crazy for a few days.  I made a couple of mock-ups with images from two of my card decks.  The next day I went through all my watercolour play images (and more) and created a whole bunch of mock-ups.  The day after that I went even crazier as I used some images of modified backgrounds from my proverb decks.  Before I knew it I was sucked deep into the rabbit hole of pattern variation and mock-ups galore!  

I will need to play around a bit more, and get some technical glitches figured out, before I take this any further.  As well, I will need to raise some funds to pursue getting any samples printed.  If you'd like to help me get closer to my artistic goals, please scroll down for options from purchasing artworks, to sessions, to donations.  If there are any particular mock-ups that intrigued you, and you think I should pursue them, please hit reply and let me know which ones as I'd love to know what real world people think. :) 

Featured Artworks for Sale:

It's time to create some space, and raise some much-needed funds, for new art projects!  For the month of September, I have the following painted quotes available for $25 each (all prices include GST).  These were completed back in 2019 and were displayed in my mom's hospital room for a few weeks before she passed away.  Each one is painted on a small upcycled Tri-chem hoop and is 7.5 inches - acrylics on watercolour paper.  Please contact me at or phone 403-352-3837 to make an addition to your collection.

Each artwork purchase this month will include a signed copy of my chapbook, "My Artist Voice: a journey without a map." 

"This book, Exploring My Artist Voice, is a journey of discovery, inspiration and overcoming adversities. Beth illustrates her journey with examples of her art throughout. What makes it powerful is that while Beth is working through her own personal issues, it is easy for the reader to identify with the problems and obstacles that she encounters. For me it was truly inspiring and beautiful." - JaneAnn Settergren, MFA, MDiv

I also have my card decks, chapbooks and my musical CD (listen to sample here: for sale too.  Please reach out to find out more, or to purchase.

"I'd like to share with you my impressions of Beth Richardson's surprising, new iconic album - "Just Show Up"... 
   Beth must surely be a reincarnated soul! She is a master storyteller... 
   Her voice paints evocative word and sound pictures (both spoken and sung in a sweet, sort of Celtic or folksy old Americana lilt!) - that are equal parts wistful and whimsical - as they strike a chord of remembrance of melancholy eras gone by... 
   Somewhere between a female Burl Ives, Edgar Allen Poe and the Brothers Grimm, Beth - and her brilliantly intuitive producers (Nile Street Studios) - succeed in bringing forth a timeless piece of musical art - for the ears, mind and soul - that cut through any preconceived notions of age - or what is popular  or worthy listening material...  It's its own original experience - and the sound effects are delightful! 
   Simultaneously mature and childlike, I'm fascinated to wonder how this work is received by the little ones... For me, it was magical and haunting - with a tonal quality that lingers when it's done...  I feel touched and changed in a good way - privileged to have heard such a refined creation - especially from a first-time recording artist (though Beth seems to excel at whatever medium she turns her prolific imagination to!)...   
   Stellar, really! 
    Many Blessings" - Tes Kempner, Fellow Songwriter-Muse

 Upcoming Projects

- My yard and gift sales are open most weekends and the odd week day (weather and health permitting) at 4910 47th St, Mirror a great opportunity to find out more about my artwork, decks, books, CD and more in person before you purchase :)

- I am offering Pay-What-You-Can Distance Reiki/Energy Healing sessions.  Energy healing works great from any distance and I've sent Reiki healing as far away as Queensland, Australia.  Please, contact me to set up your healing session.

"I have been suffering with Long COVID for over a year and have tried every healing modality in the book to get my energy back. Beth has been gifting me with healing Reiki energy for quite some time now and I have, for the first time in over a year, started to feel like myself again.  Much of my weakness has dissipated, and the dark cloud that I have been stewing under has lifted. Thank you Beth. ♥️" - Carla, Esthetician, Nova Scotia 

- If you would like a personal 3-card inspiration/encouragement reading from one of my card decks, please contact me to book your session.  Cost $25 per reading.

A small sample from my "Deep Truths For Remembering and Reclaiming Yourself" deck: 3 affirmations to remind yourself every day...Belong (I belong here now!)...Held (I am held by Spirit)...Know (I know what I know!)
  If you have ever wished you could have my wit and wisdom handy, why not consider purchasing a deck of your own.  I have seven different inspirational/encouragement card decks to choose from:

- I am offering 3-hr in-person VIP sessions (morning or afternoon) for the introductory price of $300 per session.  Sessions will be customized to the individual and may include topics such as yoga, Reiki, mindset, creativity, writing, behind the scenes in my studio, and more.  Also, each person who signs up will receive a lovely gift to take home.  I am also open to doing 2 people at a time (ie mother/daughter sessions) for $500 total.  To find out more, and to book, please contact me.

Thanks for reading, and as always, feel free to share with anyone you think might enjoy it.



As a life-long creative, and recently self-taught artist, I endeavour to weave my varied interests and wisdom together in an enlightening and entertaining manner, to make people think, but above all else, bring a smile to their faces and hearts, as m
y style is almost childlike in its simplicity and playfulness.  While bedridden for much of 2017, I developed 5 – 10 minute practices which allowed me to commit to them daily. I’ve been called the “Queen of Small Steps” because my simple practices – though they may seem small individually – have added up to quite a body of work in a relatively short time period. 


Thank you so much for your support, and again, if you would like to receive this newsletter directly via email please email: and ask to be added to the mailing list.  Thank you!

Back issues of this newsletter can be found here:  under the category "Artist Newsletter"

If you would like to support my artistic journey, please consider purchasing my artwork, select items available online or in person at 4910-47 St, Mirror, AB

or by making a donation via
Mail a cheque or money order (made out to Beth Richardson – Chautauqua) to Box 261 Mirror, AB T0B 3C0 

E-transfer to 

PayPal at (note: you will need to sign into PayPal first, and then specify the amount) 

   Your support and kindness are always greatly appreciated, and I look forward to continuing to bring joy and inspiration! Thank you so much and have a marvellous day!